Lime Green
Barrel Racer Saddle

Cool Lime Green Barrel Racing Saddle from Cactus

Your choice of quarter or full quarter horse trees. A short round skirt makes it lighter and easier for your horse to bend in the turn. This saddle has the stirrup leathers set as forward as possible to keep you in the right position.

Tree: Wood, Fiberglass Wrapped
Tree Warranty: Five Years
Bars: Full Quarter Horse and Quarter Horse
Gullet Height: 8”
Gullet Width: 6-1/2 and 7”
Cantle Height: 4”

Pattern: Wyoming floral with Dyed Background
Pop Stitching
Upgraded conchos
Finish: Light oil

$2325.00 Plus shipping



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Lime Green Barrel Racer saddle and team roping supplies at Steer Gear
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