Moon Dawg
The "Competitor"

Moon Dawg The Competitor


Moon Dawg Custom saddles that have a unique, edgy and new look that include: Bob Berg Conchos-Exclusive to Moon Dawg, Jeremiah Watt Hardware, Crooked Stirrups, Custom design, borders and tooling built by Scott Thomas.

Features :      
The "Competitor"
15" Team Roper
Bob Berg Conchos
Jeremiah Watt Hardware
Tooled Stirrups
Thicker Skirt Leather
Chestnut Roughout - Floral Border
Full Elephant Seat - Black
Pop Stitch
Price $2800.00

Also check out Moon Dawg The Switch and Moon Dawg Cow Puncher

NEVADA Residents call 1-775-849-9333
FAX : 775-849-7933

to place an order.
Accepting VISA MasterCard accepted here Discover/Novus accepted
Prices subject to change without notice. Call for current pricing.



Roping Supplies - Cactus Ropes - Fast Back Ropes - Saddles - Heel-O-Matic - ProEquine
Tack - Spurs - Spur Straps - Stirrups - Saddle Pads - Bits - Accessories - Purses - Belts - Jewelry - Dog Collars


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