Don't pass up the Ropes Special!

ROPES SPECIAL !! - Buy six or more ropes and knock off $2.00 per rope.
Buy 12 or more ropes and knock off $3.00 per rope!

Everyday BONUS ! - Free cotton glove with purchase of any Cactus or Fastback rope.    Buy two ropes also get two gloves, order three ropes get three gloves . . . .

Cactus' NEW Amigo Rope

The Amigo


Cactus' NEW Whistler Rope

The Whistler


Bad Boy Rope30' RH 3/8" True $28.00

35' RH 3/8" True $30.00
Habanero Rope

35' RH 3/8" True $30.00
Magnet Rope

35' RH 3/8" True $30.00
Hypnotic Rope

35' RH 3/8" True $40.00
Phoenix Rope

35' RH 3/8" True $30.00
Super 4 RopeSuper 4   $33.00
Stran Smith Calf RopeStran Smith Calf Rope   $33.00

Also available:
MiniMag and Omega Ropes at Steer Gear Team Roping Supplies      
30' RH 3/8" $28.00 30' RH 3/8" True $28.00

35' RH 3/8" True $30.00



(Please remember that it's Pacific time here)
NEVADA Residents call 1-775-849-9333
FAX : 775-849-7933

to place an order.
Accepting VISA MasterCard accepted here Discover/Novus accepted
Prices subject to change without notice. Call for current pricing.



Roping Supplies - Cactus Ropes - Fast Back Ropes - Saddles - Heel-O-Matic - ProEquine
Tack - Spurs - Spur Straps - Stirrups - Saddle Pads - Bits - Accessories - Purses - Belts - Jewelry - Dog Collars


May we recommend
Healthy Horse Headquarters
for Equine Supplements

NW Team Roper

© STEER GEAR™ 2001-2008